Are you a victim of a covetous sociopath, psychopath, malignant narcissist, paranoid pathological liar? Have you been abandoned or slandered? Are you suffering from Narcissistic Victim Syndrome?
Christian Longo was a "successful businessman" who fell on bad times/spent too much money. Too ashamed to admit to his wife he was failing, he tried credit and then theft/forgery/counterfeiting to maintain the image. When he knew the cops were on to him, he did the obvious thing: he strangled his wife while she was on top of him during sex; then strangled his 2 year old daughter who was sleeping on the floor beside their bed; stuffed their bodies in suitcases; then put his other two sleeping kids into their car seats and drove them to a bridge, tied rocks to their feet, and threw them in the river. Then he went to Cancun.
It was not quite Christmas that year, 2001, when he strangled his wife, Mary Jane, and their 2-year-old daughter, Madison, then stuffed them into a suitcase and tossed it off the docks in Newport. He drowned Zachary and Sadie, dropping them off a bridge into Alsea Bay with rocks tied around their ankles. Click Here for More + Video
You want a simple answer: why did he do this?
At no point in the Christian Longo timeline from birth to now was murder even a remote possibility. We look for reasons he did this: were there signs, a homicidal triad, bipolar, drugs, genetic history? We want reasons why it happened. There aren't any.
It's not spoiling much to tell you that Longo is a classic narcissist, but it's worthwhile to go through the examples: CLICK HERE!
48 Hours Mystery - The Pretender The Murder of Mary Jane Longo and 3 Young Children by Her...
48 hours Published on Jul 2, 2015
A man wanted for murder pretends to be a New York Times reporter. 48 Hours Mystery correspondent Maureen Maher reports. Welcome To Crime-Shows Here!
Subscribe, Like, Comment and Share! and Enjoy~ This is Mystery and Investigation Show Archive! Welcome and be sure to check out all our content, There is .
48 Hours Mystery The Pretender(Updated Case)/A Family Murdered Maureen Maher Reports YouTubeFriend me on Facebook 48 Hours Betrayal 48 HOURS .
Almost an entire family appears murdered. The husband accused of killing his wife and children turns up in Mexico impersonating a former New York Times .
Oregon D.A. says Longo is a sociopath, who deserves the death penalty. People like this are chameleon like, they intellectually understand that they need to show emotion, but they are really not feeling it. One of the things about con-men, is they can not stay off the stage, they always want to be the center of attention. We will never know what happened, he says because it is coming from the lips of liar!
Christian Michael Longo while on the witness stand blamed his wife for the murders of the baby and the 2 young children. Chris called her "explosive" and irrational and claimed she was being self-abusive.
Chris says that NOW he is beginning to feel remorse and empathy, that he did not feel before. He says that he condemns his acts for what he did in the past and no longer disassociates himself from those acts and admits that he did this alone.
Chris finally confesses and explains in great detail how he murdered each of his children, the baby and his wife:
Michael Finkel says, there he was SLANDERING his dead wife in court with complete confidence in his voice and perfectly detailed.
Uploaded on Sep 8, 2011 by DCC
Special Agent Dan Clegg talks about the arrest and interview of Christian Longo who killed his wife and three kids in Oregon.
Chris Longo, Organ Donation (LINK HERE)
You want a simple answer: why did he do this?
At no point in the Christian Longo timeline from birth to now was murder even a remote possibility. We look for reasons he did this: were there signs, a homicidal triad, bipolar, drugs, genetic history? We want reasons why it happened. There aren't any.
It's not spoiling much to tell you that Longo is a classic narcissist, but it's worthwhile to go through the examples: CLICK HERE!
A man wanted for murder pretends to be a New York Times reporter. 48 Hours Mystery correspondent Maureen Maher reports. Welcome To Crime-Shows Here!
Subscribe, Like, Comment and Share! and Enjoy~ This is Mystery and Investigation Show Archive! Welcome and be sure to check out all our content, There is .
48 Hours Mystery The Pretender(Updated Case)/A Family Murdered Maureen Maher Reports YouTubeFriend me on Facebook 48 Hours Betrayal 48 HOURS .
Almost an entire family appears murdered. The husband accused of killing his wife and children turns up in Mexico impersonating a former New York Times .
Oregon D.A. says Longo is a sociopath, who deserves the death penalty. People like this are chameleon like, they intellectually understand that they need to show emotion, but they are really not feeling it. One of the things about con-men, is they can not stay off the stage, they always want to be the center of attention. We will never know what happened, he says because it is coming from the lips of liar!
Christian Michael Longo while on the witness stand blamed his wife for the murders of the baby and the 2 young children. Chris called her "explosive" and irrational and claimed she was being self-abusive.
Chris says that NOW he is beginning to feel remorse and empathy, that he did not feel before. He says that he condemns his acts for what he did in the past and no longer disassociates himself from those acts and admits that he did this alone.
Chris finally confesses and explains in great detail how he murdered each of his children, the baby and his wife:
Michael Finkel says, there he was SLANDERING his dead wife in court with complete confidence in his voice and perfectly detailed.
The FBI puts Chris Longo on the 10 Most Wanted list
Special Agent Dan Clegg talks about the arrest and interview of Christian Longo who killed his wife and three kids in Oregon.
Chris was leading a double life, impersonating a New York Times journalist and celebrating his new life in Mexico.
Terrified of the prospect of fighting extradition from a Mexican jail cell, he voluntarily agrees to go back to the U.S.A. with FBI special agent Dan Clegg.
Christian Longo was diagnosed with the Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He first attempted to use that diagnosis as a defense in his murder trial. That did not work. Personality Disorders are not allowable as a defense in a criminal trial unlike mental illnesses. Years later he would admit to being a Narcissist in a letter to KATU television of Portland Oregon.
He writes that he eventually began "studying what a psychologist said I was and came to terms with it, almost totally agreeing that he was right ... his conclusion was the narcissistic personality disorder which he called 'compensatory' -- basically self-centeredness related to a damaged core sense of self."
Christian Longo was diagnosed with the Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He first attempted to use that diagnosis as a defense in his murder trial. That did not work. Personality Disorders are not allowable as a defense in a criminal trial unlike mental illnesses. Years later he would admit to being a Narcissist in a letter to KATU television of Portland Oregon.
He writes that he eventually began "studying what a psychologist said I was and came to terms with it, almost totally agreeing that he was right ... his conclusion was the narcissistic personality disorder which he called 'compensatory' -- basically self-centeredness related to a damaged core sense of self."
In 2009, Longo requested to donate to a friend in need. After his request was denied, he founded G.A.V.E. ( to raise awareness for organ donation from prisoners and other "high risk" people. In 2011, the New York Times published an Op-Ed piece by Longo, titled "Giving Life After Death Row", in which he accepts responsibility for his crimes and his wish to donate his organs. In 2014, Longo published "Lethal Rejection".
Be Psychopath Free writes:
Narcissists are the most dangerous predators on our planet and must be avoided at all costs. They are excellent actors and pretend to be normal by stealing the identities and personalities of others. They are not capable of forming attachments, not even to their own flesh and blood family or babies.
There is no-fixing a narcissist and they abuse family members!
They do not know empathy, sympathy and are not capable of love. A narcissist does not feel any loss or true grieving even upon the death of a parent, sibling or other family member. In fact, BEWARE because the Narcissist may have been behind the suspicious death in a family, even if the parent is older (i,e. 80 years old).
When a narcissist is a family member and you are an enabler, you are feeling sorry for them, helping them or even trying to fix them... YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!
If you know an enabler, AVOID the enabler, stop all contact and walk the other way. Enablers are just as dangerous and should be avoided. Especially enablers who have children, they have made their choice to be part of the problem, and through their own actions have decided to put the life of the Narcissist above the health, safety and welfare of their own children. These bad judgments can lead to child rape, mental abuse and even MURDER!
WARNING: Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome is not to be confused with a broken heart.
Narcissist, Sociopathic, Paranoid and Psychopathic traits are considered serious personality disorders and mental illnesses that must be properly diagnosed by a qualified mental health professional. They are not words to throw about or maliciously accuse someone of being. Sometimes you might be angry or someone you know is just an asshole.
Narcissist, Sociopathic, Paranoid and Psychopathic traits are considered serious personality disorders and mental illnesses that must be properly diagnosed by a qualified mental health professional. They are not words to throw about or maliciously accuse someone of being. Sometimes you might be angry or someone you know is just an asshole.
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