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Are you a victim of a covetous sociopath, psychopath, malignant narcissist, paranoid pathological liar? Have you been abandoned or slandered? Are you suffering from Narcissistic Victim Syndrome?                                                                                                                                  Visit our GET-HELP page NOW!

VICTIMS OF NARCISSIST ABUSERS do not always have a history of victimization, child molestation, rape, child abuse, low self esteem, spousal abuse or co-dependency! 
Get this through your thick fuckin skull and get a clue. The victims of covetous sociopaths, psychopaths, malignant narcissist, pathological liars, paranoid slanderers are not the ones with the history of issues or problems. It is the abuser that has the history. OPEN YOUR EYES!

Narcissist abusers target anyone! any age, gender, race, religion, social status, family, friends, co-workers, ANYONE! 
There is no such thing as 
"oh he/she would never do that to me"
"I'm her sister, she knows better"
"not his own child, that's crossing the line"
"HE LOVES ME" (LMAO-sorry..)

Narcissists attack you just to do it. You are therefore 100% innocent of your victimization.
Blow off this absurd "It takes two to Tango" crap.

Sanctuary for the Abused Monday, December 08, 2014BLAMING THE VICTIM

by Kathy Krajco

The first thing the victims of narcissists need to know is that they are not to blame.

Not one bit.

In other words, he didn't get mad because dinner was late. She didn't blow up because you are "too this" or "too that." You didn't "ask for it" by speaking up and saying that you deserved some attention and respect.

The narcissist attacked you just because you are there, period. Don't you have a right to be there?

Let's get real. Narcissists think they have a right to punish you just for being the way you are. Think, don't you have the right to be the way you are? Do you have to be some character in the narcissist's fiction that conforms to his or her specifications?

Does that make any sense? That's as hateful as the crime against humanity of attacking people just for being a certain KIND or nationality.

The narcissist attacks because he or she is a predator, period. Predators attack any vulnerable prey that crosses their sights, period. Therefore, the prey is NEVER the one bit to blame.

It would make as much sense to blame a sheep for getting attacked by a wolf. So what if the wolf says, "I attacked her because she is an obnoxious sheep!" What idiot falls for that line? Yet narcissist sympathizers are doing precisely this and are therefore being irrational.

The narcissist attacked just to do it, and he or she attacks any prey they have some unfair advantage over. They never pick a fair fight. They are bullies, period.

They do it to vaunt themselves on others. It gives them a high. Like as in a high from a hit on drug.

Does this mean you are a saint? Of course not. Does it mean you have never said or done anything in an argument with a narcissist that you should regret? Of course not.

You are like a bank teller who gets shot in a holdup. You are totally innocent of getting shot. Don't let the sloppy thinkers like narcissists and their sympathizers convince you that you are to blame because you were rude, or because you were embezzling, or because you are a drug addict. All that is irrelevant TO HIM SHOOTING YOU.

Of course you should change those things about yourself, but the "intellectual" clowns who make out your character flaws as justifying abuse of you are complete idiots unable to see the relationship between cause and effect.

Being late with dinner is no excuse for the narcissist to attack you. Being "too this" or "too that" for his taste is no excuse for the narcissist to attack you. Demanding decent and respectful treatment is no excuse for the narcissist to attack you.

I don't care how "threatened" any of that makes the poor, twisted narcissist feel. His perverted feelings are HIS problem, not yours. The Narcissist will never run out of twisted excuses to rationalize his attacks on you, so get off the guilt trip. His perversity is not YOUR vice.

Narcissists attack you just to do it. You are therefore 100% innocent of your victimization. Blow off this absurd "It takes two to Tango" crap.

Doubtless, you will discover that there are certain things you should stop doing. Good. Now you wise up and stop being manipulated in ways that play right into the narcissist's hands. Now you cannot be victimized.

THIS is how you stop being a victim.

But foggy-headed idiots (like those espousing the ridiculous co-dependence theory) try to claim that you stop being a victim by pretending that you have never been made one. That's crazy.

That is magical thinking, like the narcissist's. You HAVE been made a victim. That's a FACT, like it or not. And "victim" is not a dirty word. Though being a victim is nothing to aspire to and is something to avoid, being a victim is NOT a sin. It is nothing to be ashamed of. To the contrary, the most innocent are the most unsuspecting and most easily victimized ... until they have learned the hard way not to assume that other people are good. And these foggy-headed idiots who blame the victim should be able to see that. (Maybe if they stopped thinking in buzzword-laden slogans, like robots, they would.)

You stop being a victim by wising up so that you are never again victimized. It requires nothing beyond COMMON SENSE to realize that.

In some cases, the narcissist has stolen something of value from you, like your job or reputation - something you have every right to get back from the damned thief. You stop being a victim when you win justice and get it back, period.

Narcissists attack you just to do it. You are therefore 100% innocent of your victimization.
Blow off this absurd "It takes two to Tango" crap.

Feel free to photocopy and distribute this information as long as you keep the credit and text intact.
Copyright © Marie De Santis,
Women’s Justice Center,

Labels: attack, blame, blame shifting, blame the victim,blamers, codependence, codependency, excuses,manipulation, narcissist, psychopath, smear campaign,sociopath, trauma, victim blaming

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shared by Barbara at 12:42 AM

The re-victimization that I have endured lead me to question myself, my childhood, upbringing, choices and even my judge of character. It actually became a focal point of one friend that asked me "what happened to you as a child that allowed you to become involved with a person like this?"
Another friend (my partners sister-in-law) started believing (and feel sorry for him, again) the online mud-slinging tactics of my partner and his friends (enablers), as my doing. Finally another friend said "while you 2 are slinging mud at each other..." That's WHEN I hung up on her and STOPPED  talking to friends and family and began to seek professional help. I knew something was way-off!

Re-victimization is a threat to our recovery.

It is simple. The victim is never to blame for being targeted.
Do we ask a grocery clerk that has been shot in the face by a psychopath
"were you abused as a child, why did you let the perpetrator shoot you?"
It's like telling a child-victim of abuse, that they did something wrong
or telling the bank teller who was robbed at gun point that "it takes 2 to tango".
Be Psychopath Free
WARNING: Narcissistic Victim Syndrome is not to be confused with a broken heart. 
Narcissist, Sociopathic, Paranoid and Psychopathic traits are considered serious personality disorders and mental illnesses that must be properly diagnosed by a qualified mental health professional. They are not words to throw about or maliciously accuse someone of being. Sometimes you might be angry or someone you know is just an asshole.

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