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Are you a victim of a covetous sociopath, psychopath, malignant narcissist, paranoid pathological liar? Have you been abandoned or slandered? Are you suffering from Narcissistic Victim Syndrome?                                                                                                                                  Visit our GET-HELP page NOW!

Oh How I Tried. Oh How I Cried, Until the Day he Broke Me. Life with a Sociopathic Love Rat

By Teresa Cooper | 28th Mar 2013 | 

Life with a sociopath - Love rats who destroy lives

There is no such a thing as the “perfect” relationship but there are some relationships you will never be able to work out until the damage is done.

A relationship with a sociopath love rat is a roller coaster ride that drags each victim through the depths of despair until they are broken.

Sociopaths are a threat to your emotions, your mental health, your finances and even your life and he does not and will not care about you. Nothing you do can cure him of his mental illness and ways. You cannot change yourself because it won’t make any difference either. You cannot make him understand how you feel and how much he hurts you because he really doesn’t care. He is totally detached from normal human emotions. This applies to female sociopaths too. He has no feelings for you at all. You are just a means to an end and he will do anything to get it.

Forensic psychologists are still researching the phenomenon and dynamics of the love rat relationships that see victims suffer immensely.

Oh how I tried. Oh how I cried, until the day he broke me. Living with a sociopathic narcissistic personality

Life is full of challenges as relationships come and go. Some stay the same, some are ideal and some relationships get plain ugly. It is hard when a relationship breaks down but what happens when the relationship turns out to be anything but what you thought it was?

There is no such a thing as the “perfect” relationship and with all the best will in the world there are some relationships you will never be able to work out and the damage is irreparable. Some of us trust and some don’t but one thing we all have in common is… you do not know and can’t know the person you have met or fallen in love with until you have spent time with them and that includes those you already know socially. It’s only when you have spent personal time with a sociopath that you can truly understand the full impact such a man will have on your life. Those around you will be blinded by his ability to mislead them into the same falsehood he led you into.

So, Mr. Sociopath has entered your life and you may have met him at work, via friends, out and about or even on holiday. Everyone adores him and he strikes others as the perfect gentleman. “The good catch” soon turns out to be anything but a good catch as you writhe in the pain of his cold emotionless sword that will strike you with precision, time and time again.

There are different sides to sociopaths in how they initially come across to those around them and how they reel you in but what they all have in common is they are the ultimate masters of manipulation and deception. They can and will lull even the most powerful women into a false sense of security. This man knows what he is doing and he will leave you exhausted mentally and emotionally until even the strongest of women become trapped in a web of deception and lies.

Initially you won’t suspect anything until the game begins by which time he has already decided you are the one. You have succumb to his charms or pity card and the slow release manipulation begins. It’s so subtle it goes undetected for some time even months. Remember this man is patient and the stronger you are and harder to break the longer it will take him to bring you down into the dark place he will take you. He might work at a faster pace which depends on how easy he finds it to weave you in and when you first notice the little telltale signs you will question yourself. If you challenge him he will deny everything and lead you to believe you’re over reacting. He can get stroppy or totally ignore you as a means to punish you for even thinking that way.

Imagine a praying mantis. These creatures are the masters of deception. They mimic their surroundings and camouflage themselves so they blend in to their surroundings. They are patient, they wait, and they measure up their target and once caught there is little or no escape once in their clutches. It takes a lot to break free and it normally results in the loss of a limb.

There is nearly always a loss involved in being Mr. Sociopath narcissist the love rat who will drain you out of house and home or leave you penniless or worst still, both. The day you stop serving a purpose is the day he will casually walk away as if you never existed. He has probably already found his next victim or is on the lookout for a new one so do not expect anything from this cold heart because he is getting on with his life and is not thinking about you. He thinks only for himself and who the next target will be. He will occupy his mind with grand visions for his future often involving someone else’s money. He will cut you off with no contact and leave you feeling total despair and this is a very painful transition for any one on the receiving end of such a cold mind. You will question yourself over and over again or text him frantically in a vain bid to grab his attention but it seldom works nor does it relieve you of your anger and pain. His silence continues because you have served your purpose and whilst he doesn’t want to be exposed he rarely cares what the consequences are if any.

A large proportion of sociopath’s narcissists are charming but not all of them and it depends on your circumstances because he can and will adapt to the best method to lure you in. In most circumstances this will be to charm the socks off you but he is also likely to use the “pity” or “sympathy” card. The sympathy card is a good tool for him especially if you’re of a personality that cares for others suffering or you yourself have suffered. He may feed you his intense stories of deep depression and poverty or how hard life has treated him. He will put his friends and family down to you whilst portraying you as the beast to them whenever your back is turned. If he has to put on an act to lure others into believing he’s the perfect gentleman then naturally he will portray himself as the man of dreams come true. The perfect partner. He will make you believe you’re the only person in the world that he needs and you are likely to hear the words “trust me” as regular as he brings the topic of money up which is regular albeit at times more subtle than others. Not only will he bring the money matter up in conversation but he will then twist it and inform you that you brought it up first and how obsessed you are with money as soon as you question him or his motives. Lies and manipulation come into force and he will convince you you’re the problem and not him.

The trust of the innocent is the liar’s most useful tool.

These men are mainly opportunists and they have the ability to find out your strengths, weaknesses and use them to gain control or against you at any time. Whilst you’re still getting to know him he has already evaluated you and sized you up. He knows what he wants and he will do anything to get it even have sex with you. Sex for him is not an act of love or emotions, it’s merely a physical event.

He has no mercy for the bereaved, vulnerable, disabled, abuse victims, lonely or depressed and he certainly won’t have any sympathy for you either. You to him are prey. You serve a means to his ends and that’s all. Your weakness is his power. You are part of the game and that’s all he sees you as. He doesn’t care what you look like or how old you are as long as you have what he wants. It’s all he cares about. There is no in between with this cunning predator. The more he sees your insecurities, lack of confidence in self appearance or vulnerabilities all the better for him. If you’re a strong woman he will wear you down slowly but surely until you give in to his every whim if only for the peace.

This is no ordinary man. He has no emotions and he has no emotional attachments to you or those around him. He is incapable of love and devotion because he doesn’t think the same as most rational human beings and the only thing he cares about is himself and winning the game. They do not feel the same emotional sensation you and I feel and you only serve to cause yourself more mental exhaustion if you think you can change him. He won’t change and it doesn’t matter how much you keep giving, he still won’t change. You may find it hard to believe that such men exist but they do. This man feels he has a right to what isn’t his and he does not care if he leaves you penniless, suicidal or in a serious predicament. He will brush it off as not being his problem and continue as if he has done nothing wrong.

He believes he is the center of the universe. The love rat sociopath narcissist will see something he wants in you. Money and a lifestyle are the usual wants that he cannot achieve by himself. Mr. Sociopath will have a history of thinking big but never actually achieving anything. He will have an excuse for his lack of financial security and lack of having anything material other than what he has taken from others.

One thing you will find with Mr. Sociopath is his constant ability to blame everyone else for his problems. His problems nearly always involve financial problems and his credit will be bad with banks, debt collectors and general bills remain unpaid. He will blame his family for his problems and his friends for not supporting him. He will blame his ex-girlfriend and even go so far as telling any woman he meets that his ex-girlfriend took all his money and left him in debt when in fact she ended up with no money because he dwindled it away, manipulated with lies, stole it or forced it out of her. One thing you will soon come to learn is that “nothing is ever his fault”. If he comes on to other women, it’s not his fault, if he has an argument with anyone, it’s not his fault, if he has no money it’s not his fault, it’s always someone else’s fault and he is the victim. This man rarely contributes to life and lives off other people.

Their family tire of Mr. Sociopath because he never takes responsibility for his actions. They get fed up because he doesn’t settle down and they have often suffered at his hands which he will convince you is not his fault. He may well tell you he was abused as a child and whether he was or not is no excuse for his behavior. He will use anything and everything to turn everything around on you or someone else but never himself.

He will be happy to spend your money at every given opportunity and he rarely contributes to anything because he doesn’t think beyond his own needs.

The cold hearted manipulator will weave his web of deception and lies and you will find with each day you will face some sort of dilemma be it emotional, financial or other. Mr. Sociopath will lead you to believe the problem is you, always you and he is merely an innocent bystander, the victim. He will drive you to the point you feel you have gone completely insane as you question his relentless onslaught of lies that are believable. When he doesn’t convince himself his lies are the truth and how you’re the big bad wolf for daring to address the topic, he will, drive you to distraction as you search for answers in your own mind. By that stage of the relationship you won’t know what to believe anymore and you just give in for the sake of a peaceful life. You often find yourself continuously worn down like a slowly decaying stone each time you search for the answers. He has an answer for everything with story upon story told as if he’s reading it from a well-rehearsed play.

Mr. Sociopath narcissists have a negative attitude to almost everything. They find negativity in everything they or you do. They are self destructive and feel underachieving. they complain and whine about life’s problems but do little to resolve it. They sulk and often give you the silent treatment to almost any situation they see fit.

Mr. Sociopath is secretive and will hold back on many things that most genuine men won’t hold back

“Hun, why are you keeping your Facebook secret from me?” you ask him not once but several times which is greeted with silence.

He replies after being pushed for a response “I do not have to share everything with you so what’s the problem and why are you spying on me?” He gets paranoid.

You then discover he has not one, not even two but three, four or even five other Facebook accounts.

Do you ever feel alone whilst you’re sat there with him? Do you ever feel that no matter what happens in your life be it good or bad, he has little interest in anything you achieve?

Have you ever returned home with great news and he walks off and you may as well speak to the brick wall because he isn’t listening. Your excitement fast turns into a low feeling of worthlessness.

An abuser who uses gaslighting techniques on his victims is dangerous and not something any partner should ignore.

Be Psychopath Free
WARNING: Narcissistic Victim Syndrome is not to be confused with a broken heart. 
Narcissist, Sociopathic, Paranoid and Psychopathic traits are considered serious personality disorders and mental illnesses that must be properly diagnosed by a qualified mental health professional. They are not words to throw about or maliciously accuse someone of being. Sometimes you might be angry or someone you know is just an asshole.

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