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DO I Love a Narcissist?

Are you a victim of a covetous sociopath, psychopath, malignant narcissist, paranoid pathological liar? Have you been abandoned or slandered? Are you suffering from Narcissistic Victim Syndrome?                                                                                                                                  Visit our GET-HELP page NOW!


*You always compromise without question.
*You are the only one in the relationship willing to compromise
*You apologize, apologize and apologize and you always accept blame
*You walk on egg shells, and you may even trim your partners toenails.
*You eat the food your partner likes instead of the food you like.
*You go to the restaurants that your partner likes
*You find yourself complimenting your partner more so than any other partner.
*WHEN a disagreement comes about, you give-in and it's your fault (every single time).
*You will do anything, ANYTHING to fix-it, and you accept all responsibility
*You try not to disagree with your partner 
*You are your partner's play toy in bed (no matter how violent or displeasing the sex is to you).
*You learned early in the relationship to do as your partner asks.
*Your partner gets away with anything, and you allow it and never question it.
*Your partner is PERFECT and can do NO WRONG.
*You defend your partner to anyone that may mention the contrary.
*Your partner does not know your favorite food, but you know your partner's favorite food.
*Your partner is so picky about everything, right down to the name brand of socks and underwear they wear.
*Your partner never considers how much something costs
*You give your partner access to your business and check book
*You always reassure your partner of their importance, high skill set and intelligence.
*Your partner has full access to your entire life and you have no privacy or secrets.
*Your partner insults his own family and friends to you
*When your partner tells you that he/she resents you for your success in life, you feel guilty and compelled to let your partner know how he/she is the most important person in your life and that everything he/she does is PERFECT.
*Your partner is obsessed with his/her looks and works hard at maintaining that perfect appearance.
*Your partner memorizes current events, and world news and when there is a conversation your partner dominates that conversation.
*You trust your partner more so that any other person on this planet!
*You care about your partner more than you care about your family sometimes.
*Your partner may even teach your children about his beliefs (racism, antisemitism, politics, hatred etc.)
*You allow your partner to insult you.
*Your partner sometimes makes inappropriate statements (raping people, beating his own family members, sex with children etc.)
*Your partner inflicts pain upon you.
*Your partner has admitted to have done some very questionable, immoral, unethical & criminal things.

Does any of this sound familiar? oh I know, I could add everything but who's got the energy?  READ - read this over and over again until you understand what is unhealthy about your relationship. 

Everyone, yes, EVERYONE is narcissistic to a degree and as teens we all begin to learn about ourselves as individuals and part of that experience is learning to deal with our hormonal changes, and our narcissistic tendencies. Most people go through a healthy N transition and grow, this is called a healthy N transition. 
The malignant narcissist is NOT HUMAN! and it gets worse with age and...

IT Can not hold on to a long-term relationship 
IT is known to cheat, lie and deceive others 
IT bounces from job-to-job 
IT has partners or enablers that take care of them 
IT has a line of enablers that they always revert back to 
IT owes child support 
IT owes spousal support
IT feels entitled even God-Like
IT is always the victim
IT lives hand to mouth
IT moves from place to place (no stability)
IT does not accept responsibility for it's own actions, behaviors or choices
IT does not say THANK YOU (it is entitled)
IT is withdrawn or creepy- shy
IT not discuss their past or lie about it
IT is very picky about most everything
IT complains that their own enablers take advantage of them
IT is concerned or scared that someone is poisoning them or trying to kill them
IT does not form bonds with anyone (their parents, spouse or children)
IT show signs of violence, anger, envy, resentment and aggression
IT steals other people's personalities and character 
IT steals a trophy from friends, family and enablers
IT commits tax evasion
everything wrong in a N life is the fault of someone else, ALWAYS!

IT can not even acknowledge the difference between an adult or child. Those with NPD are very dangerous for many reasons but one of the reasons is because they DO NOT GIVE A SHIT about anything or anyone at all, GET-IT? - They can molest a child, rape a teen, beat a person and it means nothing, they feel entitled and it feeds the narcissist supply. 

This is what we call unhealthy narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). These types of personality disorders are very dangerous for many reasons. They do not form attachments to anyone, let me say that again, THEY DO NOT FORM ATTACHMENTS TO ANYONE!!!!!!!!
They are incapable of forming true or bonding attachments. They can not even form an attachment or bond to their parents, wife, husband, siblings or their own children. 

Ask yourself, do you love a narcissist?
Be Psychopath Free
WARNING: Narcissistic Victim Syndrome is not to be confused with a broken heart. 
Narcissist, Sociopathic, Paranoid and Psychopathic traits are considered serious personality disorders and mental illnesses that must be properly diagnosed by a qualified mental health professional. They are not words to throw about or maliciously accuse someone of being. Sometimes you might be angry or someone you know is just an asshole.

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