Living with a covetous sociopath, psychopath, malignant narcissist, pathological liar, paranoid slanderer EXAMPLE: (Dec. 2013 - June 28 2015)
(Victim) I operate a business from my home and my business partner lives on-site too. My business partner is a male (50 yrs. old) and he has a degree in psychology, is a former U.S.A.F. Pilot and everyone loves him. He has a sensitive disposition, outgoing and fun personality, gets along with everyone, avoids negative comments, has a good sense of humor and is a hard worker (Ha! when he wants to be...LOL Just Kidding).
On Thanksgiving 2014 I was ready to go to our family dinner (as planned) when out of nowhere, Jon began to throw a narcissistic fit of rage. He began to pack his car and threatened to leave.
Just a few weeks earlier, he agreed to go to thanksgiving dinner with my family. I was looking forward to it, especially since I usually only see them once a year, and I wanted everyone to meet him.
Jon became so angry yelling, telling me I made plans without discussing it with him, he hurt my feelings, I was in tears, and he scared the shit out of me. I became so upset, I could not believe this guy! I said "this is not how people deal with disagreements".
Then of-course, I proceeded to do everything to FIX-IT!
At that time I was pregnant and it was through a home pregnancy test that I determined this. I did not want to say anything to Jon until after I had received confirmation from my GP.
After this weird and unexpected rage over a simple dinner engagement, I became insecure about Jon's emotional stability, I questioned if he really wanted to be here and I was not certain that he should know at that time.
The next 2 days, I suffered what I believe to have been a miscarriage.
On Thanksgiving 2014 I was ready to go to our family dinner (as planned) when out of nowhere, Jon began to throw a narcissistic fit of rage. He began to pack his car and threatened to leave.
Just a few weeks earlier, he agreed to go to thanksgiving dinner with my family. I was looking forward to it, especially since I usually only see them once a year, and I wanted everyone to meet him.
Jon became so angry yelling, telling me I made plans without discussing it with him, he hurt my feelings, I was in tears, and he scared the shit out of me. I became so upset, I could not believe this guy! I said "this is not how people deal with disagreements".
Then of-course, I proceeded to do everything to FIX-IT!
At that time I was pregnant and it was through a home pregnancy test that I determined this. I did not want to say anything to Jon until after I had received confirmation from my GP.
After this weird and unexpected rage over a simple dinner engagement, I became insecure about Jon's emotional stability, I questioned if he really wanted to be here and I was not certain that he should know at that time.
The next 2 days, I suffered what I believe to have been a miscarriage.
(Victim)I recently asked my business partner what he thought of Jon the first time he met him, he giggled and replied "SOCIOPATH!", maybe it was Jon's angry appearance and I got the feeling that he was un-trusting. He seemed distant, kept to himself and was not just a typical shy man, something was off, but I could not put my finger on it.
Today, July 13 2015 I asked a business associate (DT) what she thought of Jon.
D: I thought he was so nice, and helpful, and starting in May I noticed he began to change, and I thought maybe he was bi-polar.
D: There was that one time in May that he got in his car and left, and I remember you being very concerned because he did not say anything, he just left.
In June he was feeling under the weather, he walked up to me and went out of his way to call me by my full name, as though he was angry with me. Shortly thereafter, he picked up a baby piglet and threw it very hard across the drive area, and I was shocked, I asked him about it and he said he was disciplining the baby pigs not to walk under his feet. Still I thought he could have killed that little thing.
Just about 4 weeks ago, as I was driving out the gate he did something strange, he saluted me and I thought it was cute. Then he did that again about 2 weeks ago and I could not help but giggle, and I noticed his face changed and I think he got angry as though I offended him.
I asked a girlfriend (J) who is a teacher and an anthropologist what she thought of Jon.
J said that he seemed a bit off by way of his body language and demeanor, almost as though he was too good to be here.
J: I find it odd that he never finished any of the projects that he started and that his interests are always shifting.
J: His shyness seems borderline extreme which is odd for a man his age, especially when he is around very outgoing, down to earth and friendly people.
Today, July 13 2015 I asked a business associate (DT) what she thought of Jon.
D: I thought he was so nice, and helpful, and starting in May I noticed he began to change, and I thought maybe he was bi-polar.
D: There was that one time in May that he got in his car and left, and I remember you being very concerned because he did not say anything, he just left.
In June he was feeling under the weather, he walked up to me and went out of his way to call me by my full name, as though he was angry with me. Shortly thereafter, he picked up a baby piglet and threw it very hard across the drive area, and I was shocked, I asked him about it and he said he was disciplining the baby pigs not to walk under his feet. Still I thought he could have killed that little thing.
I asked a girlfriend (J) who is a teacher and an anthropologist what she thought of Jon.
J said that he seemed a bit off by way of his body language and demeanor, almost as though he was too good to be here.
J: I find it odd that he never finished any of the projects that he started and that his interests are always shifting.
J: His shyness seems borderline extreme which is odd for a man his age, especially when he is around very outgoing, down to earth and friendly people.
In July of 2014 one of my female business partners that operates a small business from her home came and helped me for a day and out of the blue she said:
(M) "this guy, (meaning Jon) this guy, really? he is going to ruin your life and your business, he is not worthy of your trust and he is not who you think he is, trust me".
Of course, I defended him and he knew I would because he was grooming/training me for these types of responses. Jon has had many years experience manipulating and deceiving and I was trusting and unsuspecting.
Just 3-months into our physical relationship and I was already groomed/trained.
After a lot of research and counseling I have learned that this means that Jon had my number since about mid-January in 2014 and had already began extracting my personal info from people who know me and from me, and planting information.
One of the handy-men (I've known for about 16 years) who comes and helps out around here, came to me and shared a brief conversation that he and Jon had, and at that time I thought nothing of it.
(M) "this guy, (meaning Jon) this guy, really? he is going to ruin your life and your business, he is not worthy of your trust and he is not who you think he is, trust me".
Of course, I defended him and he knew I would because he was grooming/training me for these types of responses. Jon has had many years experience manipulating and deceiving and I was trusting and unsuspecting.
Just 3-months into our physical relationship and I was already groomed/trained.
After a lot of research and counseling I have learned that this means that Jon had my number since about mid-January in 2014 and had already began extracting my personal info from people who know me and from me, and planting information.
One of the handy-men (I've known for about 16 years) who comes and helps out around here, came to me and shared a brief conversation that he and Jon had, and at that time I thought nothing of it.
At one time, my handy-man Oreo came to me and proclaimed to have given Jon a heads-up that if he becomes a slacker that I would probably replace him. Here's the thing about Oreo. He is in his 60's, is a retired carpenter and builder and has a lot of cool tools. He shared his tools with Jon and even volunteered to help on any project and make certain that it was done properly. Jon works alone! Always Alone! Jon says people are stupid.
Oreo brought a tool box over, just shortly after meeting Jon and gave Jon full access to any tools he may need to use on any projects. Jon is 46 and Oreo is in his 60's and a bit frail from 35 years of building.
Earlier this year, Jon got so upset with Oreo because Oreo would not respond to him as Jon was yelling at him. Jon became so enraged that he ran at Oreo, grabbed him from behind and knocked him on the ground (causing minor injuries and a bit of a bruised ego).
I heard a ruckus from inside the home and ran to the sliding glass door. I saw Oreo getting up from the ground and bleeding from the arm, and Jon walking away.
I asked "what happened? are you alright?" Oreo replied with "I fell".
Later that afternoon Jon told me what he had done. I was appalled! a 46 year old man gets so upset and angry with a man in his 60's to grab and knock him to the ground because a 60 year old man refused to be yelled at by a 46 year old?
When I expressed my dissatisfaction for that behavior and childish reaction, Jon replied with "Fuck him, I will rape him!".
Now this was not the first time I had heard Jon make a comment like that, in fact he has made that same comment about others including children.
Earlier this year, Jon got so upset with Oreo because Oreo would not respond to him as Jon was yelling at him. Jon became so enraged that he ran at Oreo, grabbed him from behind and knocked him on the ground (causing minor injuries and a bit of a bruised ego).
I heard a ruckus from inside the home and ran to the sliding glass door. I saw Oreo getting up from the ground and bleeding from the arm, and Jon walking away.
I asked "what happened? are you alright?" Oreo replied with "I fell".
Later that afternoon Jon told me what he had done. I was appalled! a 46 year old man gets so upset and angry with a man in his 60's to grab and knock him to the ground because a 60 year old man refused to be yelled at by a 46 year old?
When I expressed my dissatisfaction for that behavior and childish reaction, Jon replied with "
Now this was not the first time I had heard Jon make a comment like that, in fact he has made that same comment about others including children.
Moving On:
When Jon wants a glass of water, he lets the faucet run for about 2 minutes. Why? because it is easy for someone to poison the water line.
If he orders a bottled water at a restaurant it best not come already open. Why? because someone may have poisoned it.
If he gets a sealed bottled water, the first thing he must confirm is that it has the correct twist-off, and if it does not make the right sound, then it;s been tampered with. Why? because people are out to kill him.
Beer must have the correct top otherwise it goes into the garbage
He will not eat any type of creams or condiments such as cream cheese, sour cream, mayo, ketchup etc. Why? because it is easy for any man to contaminate these these things with their own DNA.
When returning home from errands (shopping, restaurant, post office) he must walk through the entire house with a loaded gun to check if anyone is hiding. Why? because people want to kill him.
Even when home all day, before he goes to bed he turns on lights, opens and closes closets, checks behind all the doors with a loaded gun. Why? because people want to kill him.
When I would walk up to him with my hands in my pockets while talking or asking a question, he would ignore my question or comment and pull out his gun, stand up and aggressively ask "what's in your pocket? why are your hands behind you back? "What are you doing?"
When taking a bath or shower, he has his gun with him. Why? because people want to kill him.
A little bit of history:
Jon was married about 19 years ago and had a child with his wife. They had hard times, but I think most young or newly wed couples do.
A little bit of history:
Jon was married about 19 years ago and had a child with his wife. They had hard times, but I think most young or newly wed couples do.
From what I have been told, the entire time they were married, his best friend (enabler) was living with them too. Jon's best friend (enabler) convinced Jon that his wife was trying to poison Jon, and he believed this.
Personally, I can not imagine the lack of privacy or even the possible torment these two abusive narcissistic men put her through and with a baby too? It brings tears to my eyes.
Shortly thereafter there was a divorce and child custody hearings and after a few visitations with his son who was about 2 years old at the time, Jon pulled the classic narcissistic "Silent treatment & abandonment" and has not seen his son since then (about 16 years).
Personally, I can not imagine the lack of privacy or even the possible torment these two abusive narcissistic men put her through and with a baby too? It brings tears to my eyes.
Shortly thereafter there was a divorce and child custody hearings and after a few visitations with his son who was about 2 years old at the time, Jon pulled the classic narcissistic "Silent treatment & abandonment" and has not seen his son since then (about 16 years).
Psychopath Free
WARNING: Narcissistic Victim Syndrome is not to be confused with a broken heart.
Narcissist, Sociopathic, Paranoid and Psychopathic traits are considered serious personality disorders and mental illnesses that must be properly diagnosed by a qualified mental health professional. They are not words to throw about or maliciously accuse someone of being. Sometimes you might be angry or someone you know is just an asshole.
WARNING: Narcissistic Victim Syndrome is not to be confused with a broken heart.
Narcissist, Sociopathic, Paranoid and Psychopathic traits are considered serious personality disorders and mental illnesses that must be properly diagnosed by a qualified mental health professional. They are not words to throw about or maliciously accuse someone of being. Sometimes you might be angry or someone you know is just an asshole.
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