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Sociopath, Narcissist is EMPTY

Are you a victim of a covetous sociopath, psychopath, malignant narcissist, paranoid pathological liar? Have you been abandoned or slandered? Are you suffering from Narcissistic Victim Syndrome?                                                                                                                                  Visit our GET-HELP page NOW!

The Malignant Sociopath Narcissist IS EMPTY

The MSN does not have his/her own personality or character, they mirror the personalities of others, and as far as hobbies go,  they learn what other people enjoy doing and become very good at mimicking. They do not know what it is to be happy, sad, miss a child, love a sibling or parent or enjoy the company of good friends. These emotions do not exist in a MSN. They pretend to care about their own babies, nieces and nephews, brothers, sisters, and in-laws as a sociological acceptance game. I know it sounds very odd, but it is VERY TRUE! UNTIL..... they need narcissitic supply!
(Remember the SHOWTIME series "DEXTER"?)  

*Narcissists turn reality upside down and sideways and spin it in continuous circles of lies, deceptions, cruelties and betrayals. What they hate the most is the truth because deep in their unconscious they are psychologically empty, filled with rage and self hatred. They are incapable of self understanding or introspection or empathy. Their identity is a charade, a false self that developed when they were very young and will never change
 Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.

*Lack of empathy is one of the most striking features of people with narcissistic personality disorder. It's a hallmark of the disorder in the same way that fear of abandonment is in borderline personality disorder.

"Narcissists do not consider the pain they inflict on others; nor do they give any credence to others' perceptions," says Dr. Les Carter in the book Enough of You, Let's Talk About Me (p. 9). "They simply do not care about thoughts and feelings that conflict with their own." Do not expect them to listen, validate, understand, or support you.
Since this way of living is so foreign to us, if we have someone with NPD in our life, we need to understand how they think. One NP explains it this way:
"People are tools to be I use to get what I want. No one cares what a hammer or nail thinks, nor do we even notice anything unique about them unless they don't work right. The only nail I would notice is one that bent when I hit it with a hammer. Just as it should be. Really I was not that callous, but if I could use someone to get me what I wanted, I would. And rarely would I feel guilty about it. I mean if I played you, you should have been paying more attention.You'll get over it".

Narcissist and author Sam Vaknin (Malignant Self Love--Narcissism Revisited) reveals:
"I am aware of the fact that others have emotions, needs, preferences, and priorities - but I simply can't seem to "get it into my mind." There is an invisible partition behind which I watch the rest of Mankind and through which nothing that is human can permeate. I empathize more with my goldfish than with my "nearest and dearest."
"To me, all people are cardboard cut-outs, sophisticated motor contraptions, ersatz and robotic. I know how I should feel because I am well-read--but I cannot seem to bring myself to emote and to sympathize. I care more about my material possessions and belongings than [almost] any man or woman alive".
Over the years, I have deciphered the code. I have learned to imitate and emulate expertly the more common affect and expressions of one's inner landscape. But this veneer is easily breached when I am frustrated or humiliated ("narcissistic injury(link is external)"): the mask slips and the real Me is out: a predator on the prowl
.Copyright © 2015, Randi Kreger. This post (or any part of it) may not be reproduced without prior written permission.The American Psychiatric Association's DSM-IV
*Malignant Narcissists lack empathy, compassion, insight and the ability to love and be loved. Moreover, they lack a conscience and are largely under the control of their base instincts: anger, fear and jealousy. Despite their contempt of people for being ‘feelingsaps’, they are secretly intensely jealous of others precisely because others have what they lack. So, anyone who is authentic, or capable of feeling or who loves and is loved – in other words, anyone who is a normal human being – is a threat to their delusions of superiority and an object of their irrational malice. All of this – along with the Narcissists pathological sense of entitlement, greed, control freakism, and need to win at all cost – makes them extremely predatory and very dangerous. Because they lack normal human feelings, they don’t relate to people on an emotional level and instead operate entirely through mind control and manipulation. In the words of Kathy Krajco:

Everything they do is entirely for effect, to get the reaction they want from you. That is manipulation. They’re constantly regulating and manipulating your reactions. But you aren’t like them. Your reactions come from within. So, what are they ultimately regulating and manipulating? Your thoughts. Manipulation is mind control. Manipulators are putting thoughts into our heads that we think are ours. And the only information they’re interested in is what they can use to exploit you. A very dangerous thing.

The Malignant Narcissist is synonymous with death. 
They are parasitical creatures, always on the hunt for a potential host they can sink their evil tentacles into. They are predators and their intent is murderous – they ruin lives. Since homicide is usually out of reach - and not as satisfying as a long reign of terror - the MN operates in the realm of the mind by administering a drip, drop of poison through gossip, lies, slander and planting evil seeds of doubt and confusion that kills relationships, destroys mental, emotional and physical health, ruins reputations and sabotages everything that others have worked for. The destruction Narcissists wreak on the victim’s life is so gratuitously evil it would appear that the ultimate victory for the MN would be to drive the victim to suicide or a complete mental breakdown or physical collapse.

The Narcissist views others as property and will stop at nothing to assume ownership. They get inside the victim’s head, take-up permanent residency and take-over the victim’s thoughts and ultimately their life. What better power rush for a Malignant Narcissist than gaining absolute control over another’s body and mind? Talk about pathological control freakism and an avaricious greed to have it all. The Narcissist’s manipulations and mind control has at last reached the grotesque proportion of total possession of another’s being – they are in charge… and they don’t wish you well. What’s the term we use when a demon has entered someone? We call them possessed.

Be Psychopath Free
WARNING: Narcissistic Victim Syndrome is not to be confused with a broken heart. 
Narcissist, Sociopathic, Paranoid and Psychopathic traits are considered serious personality disorders and mental illnesses that must be properly diagnosed by a qualified mental health professional. They are not words to throw about or maliciously accuse someone of being. Sometimes you might be angry or someone you know is just an asshole.

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