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Narcissist Enabler w/Video

Are you a victim of a covetous sociopath, psychopath, malignant narcissist, paranoid pathological liar? Have you been abandoned or slandered? Are you suffering from Narcissistic Victim Syndrome?                                                                                                                                  Visit our GET-HELP page NOW!

About The Narcissistic Enabler

There may be several levels of enablers.

How the Sociopath Type Predator Hooks His Enablers (Abuse by Proxy)

Level 1> The Family Enabler:
Let's face it, family issues can be complicated even under the best of conditions. A healthy parent loves and adores their child "NO MATTER WHAT". This is unconditional love and is part of the miraculous phenomenon that bonds a parent to their child. Brothers and sisters can also share a similar bond, when raised in a loving and caring household (but not always the case. There are exceptions). 

Family members can sometimes be blinded by a narcissist-sibling and have a challenging time remaining objective. , The enabler-sibling makes excuses and even sympathizes with the N-sibling and it may have to to do with a life-long history of brain washing, manipulation and guilt bonding.  The e-sibling may be thinking or feeling...

The Narcissist Enabler

is down and out
has nowhere to go or turn to
is family and we can not turn family away
has had a recent break-up and is suffering from a broken heart
is depressed and needs our help
has very little money and we have enough to share
might be able to help around the house with chores and baby sitting 
has very little by way of means, and we feel sorry for her/him
is the only sibling I have and pity him/her
is down on his/her luck and if anything happens I will feel responsible and I don't want that guilt
has always been this way and I don't think anything is wrong, it's just the way he/she is

The Guilt Trip:
I have a wonderful  partner and N-sibling does not 
We have children and N-sibling has not seen her/his child in 17 years
We have a home and N-sibling is basically homeless
We have a good education and N-sibling does not 
We have good careers and jobs and N-sibling lives hand -to-mouth 
Maybe our parents treated me better than N-sibling was treated

Knowledge is Power
Even though the E-sibling knows the N-sibling very well, the E-sibling makes excuses and defends the N-sibling. 
Maybe in this case the N-sibling has spent an entire lifetime manipulating, controlling, brain washing and abusing the E-sibling and the N-sibling knows the E-sibling much better than the E-sibling knows the N-sibling. 

Examples of N-Sibling Repetitive Patterns:
sponging off others
living with Enabler-friends or E-family
abandoned their own child with the classic "silent treatment"
blames everyone else for failures and bad luck
refuses to take responsibility for their own actions or choices
refuses to pay child support, spousal support
hides from the law
on the move every 6 months or every 1-2 years 
history of changing jobs, hobbies and interests
does not finish projects 
leaving without saying goodbye or even a simple thank you 
gives the Enabler-family the "silent treatment"
never apologizes for anything at all, not ever!
has never been happy or content
pushing unrealistic/inappropriate values onto children 
uncomfortable around babies and children
HE believes females are inferior and is intimidated by strong women
is resentful of people who succeed 
complains about and defames friends and family to others
exhibits racist and violent tendencies
asks friends and family to keep secrets
does not make lasting new friendships 
maintains the lifestyle (homeless, drifting)
boasts about committing unethical and immoral acts
is in general, dishonorable 
does not show interest in moving forward in a healthy, sociologically acceptable manner

Examples of Enabler-Sibling / Repetitive Patterns:
always excuses the Narcissist Silent Treatment
always leaves the light on (like motel 6)
excuses and sympathises with N-sibling (no matter what)
dismisses N-siblings abuses of victims and empathises w/N-sibling
accepts and defends the N-siblings victimization patterns
does not consider the dangers of N-siblings influence over children and may commit "victim blaming"

Are we to believe that the Enabler-sibling is not a victim of the N-sibling? 

It is easier to evaluate a situation from behind the glass doors while looking in, than it is from the inside. Family is complicated and it's possible that the E-sibling may be doing everything they can to fix the situation, prevent a family break-up or do whatever it takes to not alienate the N-sibling.  

It is easier for the E-sibling to sympathize, empathize with the the N-sibling and easier to accept and excuse the victimization committed by the N-sibling (over and over again), than it is for the E-sibling to believe the truth. The lie is always less controversial and less complicated to deal with than the truth. 

Is it possible that the N-sibling has been manipulating the E-sibling since childhood? and if yes, does that not make the E-sibling a victim of their own covetous sociopath, psychopath, malignant narcissist, pathological liar, paranoid slanderer, N-sibling?

Be Psychopath Free
WARNING: Narcissistic Victim Syndrome is not to be confused with a broken heart. 
Narcissist, Sociopathic, Paranoid and Psychopathic traits are considered serious personality disorders and mental illnesses that must be properly diagnosed by a qualified mental health professional. They are not words to throw about or maliciously accuse someone of being. Sometimes you might be angry or someone you know is just an asshole.

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